EGF/2014/013 — GR Odyssefs Fokas — Τhe Case of the company “Odyssefs Fokas S.A.”

The project supported 1.100 beneficiaries, as follows:

600 redundancies of the company “Odyssefs Fokas S.A.”, which ended its activity in Greece and 500 young people not in employment, education or training, (NEETs) who are less than 30 years old (aged 15-29) and economically inactive or unemployed or long-term unemployed, whether registered as job-seekers or not.


The project was approved with a budget of EUR 10.740.000,00 from which 60% was co-funded by the EGF 2014-2020 and 40 % by the National Public Investment Programme (PIP) national funds.

The Program duration was from 20/10/2014 to 20/10/2016.

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