EGF/2015/011 — GR Supermarket Larissa — The Case of the company “Supermarket Larissa ABEE”

The Project supported 1.100 beneficiaries, as follows:

  • 557 redundancies (422 workers and 135 employees — owners) of Supermarket Larissa ABEE who has ended its activity in Greece; and
  • 543 young people not in employment, education or  training, (NEETs), who are less than 30 years old (aged 15-29) who are not in employment, education or training and who are economically inactive or unemployed or long-term unemployed, whether registered as job-seekers or not.

The project was approved with a budget of EUR 10.780.000,00, from which 60 % was co-funded by the EGF 2014-2020 and 40 % co-funded by the National Public Investment Programme (PIP) national funds.

The Program duration was from 26/2/2016 to 31/12/2017.

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